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"I have learned that people will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel."

Maya Angelou
American poet, memoirist and civil rights activist


WE CAN provide teaching that develops knowledge and skills so children can learn and progress effectively

PSHE is one of the Life Education subjects at Grendon.  In Years 1-6 PSHE is taught as a regular subject.  Children complete 6 PSHE units in each academic year.  In Reception, the PSED area of learning teaches children ‘self regulation’, ‘managing self’ and ‘building relationships’.

The curriculum is planned nationally at Government level before being carefully adapted in school into appropriate themes for each half term.

IN KS1 and KS2 the themes are as follows:

Autumn A - Me and My Relationships
  • Feelings & emotions
  • Friendship
  • Conflict resolution
Autumn B - Being My Best.
  • Being healthy
  • Having a ‘Growth Mindset’
Spring A - Valuing Difference
  • Understanding what is special about ourselves
  • Understanding how other people are similar or different to ourselves
  • Considering stereotypes
  • Learning about tolerance and respect
  • British Values focus
Spring B - Growing and Changing
  • Life Stages
  • Bodies
  • Puberty
  • Sex Education content
Summer A - Rights and Responsibilities
  • Money
  • Democracy
  • Citizenship, the wider world
  • The Environment
  • Children’s Rights
Summer B - Keeping Myself Safe
  • Internet safety
  • Drugs
  • Sun safety
  • Bullying
  • Relationships Education (safeguarding)

In the EYFS, children begin by learning to express themselves and learn to consider their own feelings and those of others, as well as learning how to share, take turns and who to go to if they need help.  There is an enhanced PSED offer as pupils settle into the Reception year; in the Autumn term, additional curriculum time is allocated to delivering PSED lessons. The reception units are as follows:

  • I can start school
  • I can build relationships
  • I can keep myself healthy
  • I can stay safe on the road
  • I can understand how others feel
  • I can be resilient in the face of challenge

Due to the spiral nature of the curriculum where the same themes are revisited annually, clear vertical links between the PSHE learning in each year group can be seen. Pupils gradually deepen their understanding of and develop a competence with each idea in the curriculum at an age appropriate level. Learning starts by revisiting the familiar and builds upon this secure foundation.

The skills and ideas learnt in PSHE link horizontally and diagonally to other subjects either in the same year band or an earlier or later one. For example, knowledge about the importance of daily teeth brushing links to Y4 Science lessons about teeth and an understanding of the changing adolescent body links to Science teaching where children learn to describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals and Year 6 when they learn about inheriting characteristics in their work on evolution. Children are given many opportunities to use their new social skills and emotional intelligence when working in groups or when needing to motivate themselves to face challenges.

In Year 6, the PSHE curriculum is enhanced by an expert led workshop. During their chocolate chip workshop, a Graffiti Art session, children are encouraged to produce motivational statements designed to set a positive tone for tackling the challenges of the final year at primary school.

Each half term, WE CAN certificates are awarded across the school in recognition of new learning or effort during that half term. 

Teachers are able to set a PSHE task annually as part of the cycle of homework projects. This enables children to engage with PSHE learning at home with their families.

WE CAN offer enriching activities, event and experiences

PSHE often features as a theme for our Whole School or Junior Leader Days. For example, pupils learnt about mindfulness during our Outright mental health day, about being a safe pedestrian on Walk to School Day and about making healthy choices on our Healthy Eating Day.

Once a year, we are visited by the Coram Life Education Centre.  A visiting expert comes to school to talk to different classes and parents about health and wellbeing beyond our standard curriculum offer.

WE CAN work together to remove barriers and ensure equality

Teachers are aware that children learn in different ways, so PSHE lessons are planned with a number of different learning opportunities to ensure that all learners can access the teaching and succeed in their learning in PSHE. 

More able learners are challenged with targeted questioning and differentiated activities in order to challenge their thinking.  Scaffolding, Teacher support and differentiation are part of each lesson for children with Special Educational Needs where appropriate.  Children who speak English as an additional language may receive pre-tutoring in particular vocabulary before the lesson, in order to develop some familiarity with new words.

WE CAN build independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently

In PSHE lessons, children are encouraged to develop their independent ‘voice’ and to recognise that their opinions, feelings and thoughts are of great importance.  Children are taught how to communicate effectively- how to speak to and listen to each other and how to share the space when they can talk and listen.

Under the teacher’s careful guidance, children are encouraged to share their own thoughts, feelings and experiences, but only when they feel ready and wish to do so.  They learn the importance of listening to each other and respecting what their peers have to say, which builds trust between classmates. 

Children develop independence and resilience by learning that they can speak and share feelings and experiences freely, in a trusting environment.

WE CAN listen to and treat each other and all members of the community with respect, tolerance and concern

Showing respect, tolerance and concern underpins all PSHE teaching at Grendon Primary School.

Teachers ensure that through the content of their teaching and the appropriateness of activities and discussion, children learn how important it is to be kind, to be tolerant of each other (even when there is disagreement) as well as having respect for all others. In order to develop into kind, tolerant and respectful adults, children consider how to use these skills even when faced with challenges.  To embed and practise these skills, this ethos is carried throughout school life so that children learn to see how important these values are in the school community as well as outside of school.


WE CAN recognise ability, maximise potential and prepare children well for their future and life in modern Britain

PSHE lessons play a vital part in helping children become modern British Citizens.  Their learning helps them to understand their own feelings, thoughts and emotions as well as those of others, and teaches them practical ways to keep themselves safe and healthy.  PSHE prepares children emotionally and practically so that they can flourish as people in the world outside school.

The lessons learnt in PSHE will support children to maintain healthy relationships and to understand their emotions and bodies as they become adults.