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At Grendon Primary School, we offer an Enrichment Programme to all pupils. This enrichment supports pupils' personal development and provides pupils with learning opportunities beyond the academic curriculum. It offers a breadth of experiences and the development of life skills. Our Enrichment programme directly meets our school aims;

  • We can offer enriching activities, events and experiences.
  • We can build independent and resilient learners who are able to communicate confidently.

We want pupils to leave Grendon Primary School with a breadth of experience, an understanding of opportunity and a bank of happy memories.

There are various strands of our enrichment provision, each with a specific purpose. Further information is included below.

Whole School Days

Our whole school days are planned annually across a broad range of themes and vary from year to year and include as many different events and charities as possible.

We have Whole School Days to,

  • Develop cohesion and collaboration across the school community
  • Promote school priorities
  • Link to academic subject areas
  • Provide memorable learning experiences

Details of upcoming Whole School Days can be found in the School Calendar.

For previous Whole School Day events, please check out our GALLERY.

Junior Leadership Days

Junior Leadership Days are planned annually and change each year to incorporate as many different themes and charities as the children decide upon.

We have Junior Leadership Days to,

  • Develop leadership skills
  • Increase pupil voice and pupil impact
  • Develop cohesion and collaboration across the school community
  • Provide memorable learning experiences
  • Promote school priorities
  • Enable action at a school, national or global scale

Details of upcoming Junior Leadership Days can be found in the School Calendar.

For previous Junior Leadership Day events, please check out our GALLERY.

Assembly and Collective Worship

Assembly is an important element of our whole school social, moral, spiritual and cultural education.

Each different type of assembly has a specific purpose:

Whole School Welcome Assembly

The welcome assembly at the start of each new term will:

  • Welcome children back
  • Build a sense of school community
  • Set the tone for the coming term
  • Re-enforce Grendon’s Goals
  • Provide a role for Junior Leaders

Key Stage Housekeeping

Key Stage housekeeping assemblies will:

  • Build a sense of school community
  • Allow KS leaders to set expectations for the coming half term
  • Allow KS leaders to draw attention to upcoming events for the coming half term

Harvest, Nativity and Easter Assemblies will:

  • Mark the key Christian festivals
  • Enable pupils an opportunity to perform in front of an audience
  • Support BV of tolerance & understanding

Awards Assembly

Awards Assemblies will:

  • Address CRC articles 29 and 31
  • Celebrate personal or academic achievement
  • Be attended by parents of children receiving awards
  • Provide a role for Junior Leaders

Attendance Assembly

Attendance assemblies will:

  • Update children on latest attendance data
  • Address CRC article 28
  • Empower children to value coming to school
  • Provide practical support to ensure children are in school on time
  • Provide a role for Junior Leaders

Singing Assembly

Singing assemblies will:

  • Develop musicality (pitch, rhythm, tempo etc)
  • Prepare pupils for shared worship events
  • Provide singing for wellbeing
  • Address CRC article 31 – breadth of curriculum

Picture News Assembly

Picture News assemblies will:

  • Address both British Values and Children’s Rights
  • Teach children about world events
  • Build a sense of global citizenship

Grendon’s Goals Assembly

Grendon’s Goals Assemblies will:

  • Address each of the six Grendon’s Goals
  • Mark national and international days of interest or commemorate important historical events.
  • Celebrate and inform pupils about religious events

Calendar Events

In the Autumn term we will settle into our new classes. We will celebrate Christmas with parties, shows and a Church Nativity.

In the Spring term, we will celebrate Mothering Sunday, celebrate Easter and celebrate Eid.

In the Summer term, we will celebrate Father's Day and Eid, and hold Sports Day.

For details of calendar events, please see the school calendar.

Clubs and After School Activities

  • Develop personal interests
  • Teach new skills
  • Work on talents
  • Develop co-operation and teamwork
  • Commit for a period of time
  • Build confidence and friendship
  • Place adults as role models
  • Promote different academic subjects
  • Provide memorable learning experiences
  • Reflect confidence and enthusiasm into other areas of school life

We run a variety of clubs and after school activities across the school year. Further details can be found under News and Events HERE.

For the most up to date images on our whole school days please click to visit the GALLERY and LATEST NEWS.

To see what is coming up, please keep an eye on our school CALENDAR.