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Year Six

Welcome to Year Six!

6B - Mr. Bache
6N - Mr. Norris

The TA in Year Six is Mrs. Shea
Mrs. Rodgers will teach 6N on a Thursday.

You can now contact your Teachers and Teaching Assistants!

On this page you will find the information you will need to help your child at school. You will also find helpful resources (in the yellow drop-down boxes) for your child to access at home as well as newsletters and homework at the bottom of the page.

What we are learning this year

Year 6 Curriculm Road Map

If you click the image it will open up a larger version in a new window. It can also be downloaded in PDF format at the bottom of the page.

Important Dates

Parent Welcome Meeting Wednesday 11th September
Parent Information Meeting - SATs Tuesday 21st January
Parent Share Session - Buggies Tuesday 10th June
Educational Visit - RAF Cosford Wednesday 12th March
Expert Led Workshop - Graffiti Thursday 7th November


Homework is set for children every week and includes reading, Mymaths and spellings. We also provide access to resources for further maths skills and a digital reading platform. Once every half term, children will also receive a homework project to complete.

Homework is available on children's Teams account which can be accessed on a browser or by downloading one of the apps below for Android or Apple devices.

For a guide to using Teams, please click HERE

If you are having any problems accessing Teams, please speak to a class teacher.


Please make sure you read with your child at least three times a week. This regular practise helps develop fluency and expression. Please make a comment in their blue diaries to say you have read your book.


 You can access MyMaths by clicking here:


You will need the school login which is grendon and the password is sixteen970. You then have an individual login, this will have been given to you by your class teacher. If you don't have it, please speak to the teacher or email them on the address above.

Times Tables Rockstars

We are pleased to announce we have signed up with Times Table Rock Stars! This online game is free to access and will help improve your maths skills.

To log in you will need your Username and Password:

Your username is the first three letters of your first name, and the first three letters of your surname. So Harry Potter's would be harpot. You can get your password from your class teacher.

You can access this game on laptops or download the app to your mobile device.

Reading for Pleasure

To support our reading curriculum, we have subscribed to Wheelers ebooks. For information and to login, please click HERE

We are also lucky to have a wonderful library available to us locally at Maypole. If you are not already a member, you should make time for a visit.



Book Bags

Please bring these to school every day. Children should have their Reading Diary and any books, Ditty Sheets or Tricky Words in them. Please make sure you are writing in their Reading Diary too!


Our uniform information can be found HERE. Please ensure all articles of clothing have names in. We do our best to help children keep track of their items, but we need your help with this.

PE Kit

PE Kits stay in school, and we send them home once every half-term to be washed. For information about our kit, see the UNIFORM information.

Water Bottles and Snacks

Please provide a reusable water bottle with your child's name on it. This should only be for water. Children can also bring in a healthy snack and drink for breaktime if they wish.


Useful Resources

Year 5 and 6 Word List

accommodate accompany according achieve aggressive
amateur ancient apparent appreciate attached
available average awkward bargain bruise
category cemetery committee communicate community
competition conscience conscious controversy convenience
correspond criticise curiosity definite desperate
determined develop dictionary disastrous embarrass
environment equip especially exaggerate excellent
existence explanation familiar foreign forty
frequently government guarantee harass hindrance
identity immediately individual interfere interrupt
language leisure lighting mischievous muscle
necessary neighbour nuisance occupy occur
opportunity parliament persuade physical prejudice
privilege profession programme pronunciation queue
recognise recommend relevant rhyme rhythm
sacrifice secretary shoulder signature sincerely
soldier stomach sufficient suggest symbol
system temperature thorough twelfth variety
vegetable vehicle yacht