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  • Thursday update 7/6/18

    Published 06/07/18

    We are pleased to tell you that school will be opening for all pupils on Monday 11th June.

    All necessary works and Health checks will be complete and in place.

    Some works will be carried over and completed in the Summer Break as they are not as urgent.

    We still have areas of school that are out of use:-Infant Hall and Library, but this will not impact day to day teaching and learning.

    PASSPORT day was due to take place, however this will not be the case and we will be rearranging this for a later date.

    Please remember our new gate will be in use and no one should be on the school site before 8.50 (ten to nine).

    Thank you for your patience, for the hard work of staff, especially Mr. Worrall, all staff who have been on site, and the Local Authority’s quick response to get the school ready for reopening when the flooding had been disastrous. We have lost resources and need to replace furnishings but this will happen over time.

    Looking forward to seeing all our pupils on Monday morning!

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  • The National Online Safety Team

    Published 14/06/18

    As part of their #WakeUpWednesday campaign, The National Online safety Team have created a free guide for parents and carers about ‘Playerunknown's Battlegrounds’ (PUBG) – a game played by millions of children and young people worldwide.
    The guide is designed to inform parents and carers about the dangers and risks of letting their children play PUBG and how they can help keep their children safe online.

    The guide can be found through the following link: 

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  • KS2 Sports Day

    Published 07/05/18

    Well done to all of the children who participated in the Key Stage 2 Sports Day.

    Everyone had a fantastic time taking part and it was wonderful to see so many parents cheering the children on. The competition was extremely close and congratulations to the blue team who achieved 508 points.

    Red Team = 500 points

    Blue Team = 508 points

    White Team = 456 points

    Black Team = 495 points

    Thank you all for your support and making it a memorable morning.

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  • Tuesday Update

    Published 06/05/18

    Thank you for your patience.

    Just to tell you school is beginning to dry out. All the flooring has been removed and the dehumidifier machines have been doing their work. We are hoping that the floors will be prepped today with new floors laid from Wednesday onwards. Electrical checks and work needed to resolve Health and Safety issues is being completed. These works will carry on into the weekend, but we are hopeful that classes will be able to return next week and any further work needed carried out in the Summer break. We have lost a lot of furniture and resources which we will have to replace over time.

    A final decision regarding opening the school will be made on Thursday at a meeting with the Local Authority and their contractors.

    We will update you as soon as possible on Thursday but for now it looks like we are on track to open next week.

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  • Library Morning Sessions

    Published 22/04/18

    Whilst we are updating our library management system we will need to close the school library before school. This should hopefully be a temporary measure and we hope to reopen the library as soon as possible.

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  • School Closure Update

    Published 06/04/18

    Sorry to say school is still needing huge amounts of work after a disastrous flood. Everyone is working as hard as they can to get the children back in, although this will not be before next week as it's still needing to dry out and we have workmen making essential repairs. You can see how bad the flood was in the video below and you can see all the hard work that is being done in our latest photos. We will update you when we have more news.




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  • Monday 5th March

    Published 03/04/18

    School will be open as usual on Monday 5th March. Enjoy the last of the snow!

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  • Easter Holiday

    Published 29/03/18

    School will be closed for the Easter holiday between Friday 30th March and Sunday 15th April. Pupils return to school on Monday 16th April. Stay safe and have a great holiday!  

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  • KS2 Enabling Enterprise Day

    Published 21/03/18

    Last week KS2 had its Social Entrepreneur Enabling Enterprise Day. Find out more on the following link: 

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  • Spring Passport Day

    Published 21/03/18

    Tamin, our year 6 journalist, reports on our recent passport day.

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  • Phone Problems

    Published 15/03/18

    We apologise if you have been trying to contact school over the last few days.

    Our phones are working occasionally and we are trying hard to fix the problems.  We will keep you updated.  In the meantime if you can't get through to us, you can e-mail us on

    Thank you for your patience.

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  • Exciting New Gardening Video!

    Published 12/03/18

    The Gardening Team have been getting creative to show off what they do...

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