Safeguarding and Early Help at Grendon
Safeguarding is all of our responsibilities. At Grendon, we work with Birmingham Children’s Trust using the Right Help Right Time model as described on the BSCP page (here).
We are an Operation Encompass school, working together with West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council– please see the Adult’s Area (here) for further information.
Meet our Pastoral Team including our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)
Mrs. H. Ridley |
Mr. A. Darby |
Mrs. S. Jones |
Mrs. P. Prendeville |
Miss. T. Caro |
(Lead DSL) |
(Deputy DSL) |
(Deputy DSL) |
Our Pastoral Team can offer a range of early help, including:
Meet and Greets
Daily check-ins with children
Adaptations to timetables
Adaptations to the curriculum
Additional adult support in school
Home School Communication Diaries
Targeted support and intervention
Referral to specialist agencies
Applications for financial support
Workshops and parents meetings
Advice and support
Additional resources
Help and support to complete forms and applications
Signposting to further, more specialist services
The Role of a DSL:
The DSL takes lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection within an organisation. As Deputy DSLs, Mr Darby and Miss Jones work closely with Mrs Ridley (DSL) to ensure we follow our policy and LA guidance to keep all of our children safe.
Meet our Professional Partners
We choose to employ a range of outside professionals to support staff, children and families in our school.
Behaviour Specialist - Steve Brown
Hello, I am Steve Brown.
I am a Behaviour Specialist and SEND Advisor. I have worked with Grendon Primary School for many years.
I visit Grendon Primary School to support children with their behaviour, communication, and emotional needs. I work with staff to think of strategies that will help them and the children. I observe children in class and spend time working with school on Whole School Policy and implementing positive changes to benefit the staff, children and families of Grendon Primary School. I can support parents and families with behavioural concerns where this is appropriate.
Educational Psychologist
An Educational Psychologist uses psychology to find ways forward by finding out how children develop and learn, as well as how they may think, feel and behave. This can involve conversations with staff in school and parents/carers, observations within school and also working with children directly. All work has the children at the centre and aims to promote positive change for children and families.
For further information, please click HERE.
Communication and Autism Team - Cathryn Thomas
Hello my name is Cathryn Thomas.
I work for the Communication and Autism Team
As a specialist teacher for the Communication and Autism Team, I have the brilliant job of supporting our Autistic pupils and their families. I work together with staff and as a team we aim to meet the needs of our autistic children and enable them to access the full curriculum. We strive to make sure children feel safe and happy at school. I can also work with parents, by offering advice and guidance on ways they can help their child in the home.
Speech and Language Therapist
Work with parents, teachers, teaching assistants and school staff to support the children at Grendon with their Speech, Language and Communication development. This includes a wide range of skills including the production of speech sounds, understanding and use of words, phrases and sentences, social skills and stammering.
Therapists work in a variety of formats at Grendon Primary School including 1:1, small group and whole class sessions alongside supporting teachers to incorporate Speech and Language activities within their daily lessons.
If you have concerns regarding your child’s Speech, language and communication skills please contact Mrs Prendeville schools SENDCO who will be happy to discuss a referral for Speech and Language Support with you.
Sweet Project
We are a social enterprise not-for-profit venture, formed in March 2010. We work with children, families and vulnerable adults to provide protection, safeguarding, empowerment, problem-solving skills and support.
We have worked in Grendon Primary School over a long period of time and provide therapeutic and practical support to children and their families.
If you feel you or your family would benefit from Sweet Project Support, please see Miss Jones or speak to Reception who will forward the message.
School Nurse - Louise Proudlock
I have worked in healthcare since 1994, and started working in the NHS in 1997. I have been working in Grendon Primary school since 2016. My role within the school, is to support parents and school with children’s medical needs. This can include anything from writing care plans to referring to other services for diagnosis of conditions.
If you have concerns around your child’s health, appointments can be arranged through school.
Meet our Community Partners
We are also able to signpost and access support from a range of community partners.
Birmingham Community Healthcare
Police Community Support Officer (PCSO)
Your local policing team are there to listen to your concerns and act upon the issues that matter most to you.
You can find contact details and information HERE.
Housing Link
As a Team we are based at Vineyard Road Neighbourhood Office in Northfield, we cover the whole of the south of the city, but the officers who deal with Billesley Ward are Danielle Baker, Kerrie Titterton and Joanne Brown. We are often out and about in the area, and we work closely with the police and other agencies including Grendon Primary School to try and resolve Housing issues and Anti-Social Behaviour in the local area.
All or any Housing issues can be raised with our HUB, and they then allocate them out to the right officer to deal with.
This can be done online at, or by phoning 0121 303 5054 - option 4.
Birmingham Forward Steps Early Years and Wellbeing Service
via GBNFC Children’s Centre
GBNFC covers the Selly Oak District of Birmingham (Billesley, Bournville, Selly Oak and Brandwood Wards)
We offer a range of activities and support services to help you with all aspects of parenting, making sure your child gets the best start in life.
Support includes:
- Adult Education (access to employment, job club, ESOL/EAL)
- Adult Well-Being (emotional wellbeing group plus 1:1 support)
- Antenatal and Postnatal (parenting classes, baby club, infant feeding support)
- Early Years Groups (baby groups, baby massage, baby yoga, healthy start vitamins, school readiness, healthy lifestyle choices)
- SEND (1:1 advice and support plus group peer support from KIDS West Midlands)
- Speech & Language (language through play and support in the home)
- Childcare Advice (childcare funding advice and support, 2yr – 3yr old EEE places, parenting programmes)
- Family Support (behaviour management, benefits advice, debt advice, domestic abuse, housing, isolation, mental health, parenting, immigration/asylum seeking support)
For more information CLICK HERE
Family Connect Form
Selly Oak families supports children, young people and families across Billesley, Bournbrook, Selly Park, Bournville, Cotteridge, Brandwood, Kings Heath, Druids Heath, Monyhull, Highters Heath, Kings Norton, Stirchley, Weoley and Selly Oak.
Our support is free and confidential.
We can work with education, health and community partners to support the whole family. Ask your school, health visitor, children's centre, GP, community or faith centre to complete a Family Connect Form.
We can support with:
Food and Energy
Youth Support
Domestic Abuse
Emergency Funding
Money and Debt Advice
Data and IT
Under 5's Support
Uniform and Clothes
Special Needs
Sexual Health
Mental Health
Phone/ Text/ Whatsapp on 07483 090434
or email
or Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram @SellyOakFam
For more information, please search
'Birmingham Children's Partnership' at
We work together to make a difference for our children and families.