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End of term

Important information about last few days of school.

Monday 18th July

Attendance Reward Trip

Monday 18th July

Parents Evening from 3:30pm - An informal drop session so no      appointment is necessary.  This is also an opportunity to collect your child’s work from the class teacher

Tuesday 19th July

Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly @ 9:10am.  Parent/Carers are welcome, bring your tissues!!


Whole Class Attendance Reward @ 1:45pm

Wednesday 20th July

Whole School Awards Assembly @ 9:10am - Parents/Carers are    welcome to join us

Wednesday 20th July

School Closes for summer break at 3:15pm

Monday 5th September

School re-opens to all staff

Tuesday 6th September

Open for parents/carers to collect uniform orders and uniform will be on sale between 1:30 - 3:00pm (Infant Hall)

Wednesday 7th September

School opens to Pupils in Reception to Year 6 - Reception parents should have received their child’s start time

From Monday 12th       September

Nursery children will be admitted - parents/carers should have      received their child’s start date/time