Coronavirus Letter
12th March 2020
Dear Parents,
We know that many of you are following and are concerned by the outbreak of coronavirus recently. Schools are receiving daily updates from the Department for Education and we will continue to follow all guidance and apply advice to staff, pupils and families.
As I write, we know that we are in the ‘containment’ phase, although the Government may change this today. As part of this we have raised the importance of hygiene and hand washing with children using posters and rhymes or songs and would encourage you to do the same at home. All children, staff and visitors have access to hand sanitiser and we have increased the frequency of the cleaning of touch points within school.
The Leadership Team in school continues to monitor the situation and have begun to consider our contingency plans for possible scenarios in coming weeks, including any enforced closure. We will ensure that you are kept up date about any future actions. In the event of a school closure, we will provide clear information via our school website and direct children to their class page on the website where activities for them to complete at home will be listed. It may be useful to familiarise yourselves with our website now, if you haven’t used it before.
We will also use Groupcall to ensure we share information with you in an efficient way. Please can you ensure that school has an up to date contact number. If you have changed your number recently, please pop into the school office so that we can update our records.
We know that it is important that we keep a perspective on this and do not unduly worry our children. We will continue to make well informed and reasonable decisions and will be led by the advice of the Government and Birmingham City Council. We would ask our families to do the same.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mrs H Ridley